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Adetoso AA, Singels A, Parakevopoulos AL and Jordaan H. 2017. Management practices and the water footprint of irrigated sugarcane production in South Africa. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage held from 8014 October 2017 in Mexico City.

Singels A and Paraskevopoulos AL. 2017. The Canesim® sugarcane model: Scientific documentation. Published by the South African Sugarcane Research Institute, Mount Edgecombe. ISBN 978-0-6399083-0-4.

Paraskevopoulos AL, Singels A, Tweddle PB and van Heerden PDR. 2016. Quantifying the negative impact of lodging on irrigated sugarcane productivity: A crop modelling assessment. Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Ass. 89: 154-158.

Singels A*, Hoffman N, Paraskevopoulos A and Ramburan S. 2016. Sugarcane genetic trait parameter estimation. Proceedings of the iCROPM2016 International Crop Modelling Symposium held from 15 to 17 March 2016 in Berlin, 143-144.

Paraskevopoulos AL and Singels, A. 2014. Integrating weather based crop modelling and soil water monitoring technologies to provide improved decision support for sugarcane irrigation management. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 105: 44-53.

Singels A, Jarmain C, Bastidas-Obando E, Olivier FC and Paraskevopoulos AL. 2014. Validating water use and yield estimates derived from remote sensing and crop modelling for irrigated sugarcane in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugarcane Technologists 2014 Conference 36.

Jones MR, Singels A and Ruane A. 2013. Simulated impacts of climate change on water use and yield of irrigated sugarcane in South Africa. Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Ass. 86:184-189.

Sithole P, Paraskevopoulos A and Singels A. 2013. Evaluating the accuracy of Canesim yield forecasts derived from seasonal rainfall and ENSO forecasts. Proc. S. Afr. Sug. Technol. Ass. 86: 238.

Bezuidenhout CN and Singels A. 2007. Operational forecasting of South African sugarcane production: Part 1 – System description. Agric. Systems 92: 23-38.

Bezuidenhout CN and Singels A. 2007. Operational forecasting of South African sugarcane production: Part 2 – System evaluation. Agric. Systems 92: 39-51.

Singels, A. 2007. A new approach to implementing computer-based decision support for sugarcane farmers and extension staff. The case of My Canesim. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 26: 211-219 (also published in Sugar Cane International 26:22-25).

Singels A and Smith MT. 2006. Provision of irrigation scheduling advice to small -scale sugarcane farmers using a web based crop model and cellular technology: A South African case study. Irrig. and Drain. 55: 363-372.

Bezuidenhout CN and Singels A. 2003. How accurate are Canesim estimates of sugarcane production? Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass 77:596-600.

Singels A and Donaldson RA. 2000. A simple model of unstressed sugarcane canopy development. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass 74: 151-154.

Singels A, Kennedy AJ and Bezuidenhout CN. 1999. Weather based decision support through the Internet for the agronomic management of sugarcane. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass 73: 30-32.

Singels A, Kennedy AJ and Bezuidenhout CN. 1998. IRRICANE: a simple computerized irrigation scheduling method for sugarcane. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass 72: 117-122.